Accio Quote! and copyrights
A note from
Mike (and Lisa) about Copyright and Archives
When I created the original version of this site (,
I intended it to be a simple link collection with a dedicated search engine.
But over time problems appeared. The pages I had linked to tended to wander off
to other addresses; sometimes they disappeared into thin ether.
To avoid dead links I began to download the text of the articles for my private
archives. I wasn't entirely happy about this, but it certainly made life easier.
The process of turning the site to Quick Quotesthe site has taken this one step
further, since I work with people who have also been saving clips for years,
and we have collaborated our efforts.
Obviously, this is terrific news for us fans -- we now have enough material to
keep us squabbling for years.
Obviously, the persons who did the interviews hosted on this site may not feel
so excited.
Don't get me wrong. Neither I nor anyone else connected to this web site is making
money on this. This isn't about money; it's about a world-wide community of lunatic
HP fans who would do some pretty unique things to find out just a little more
about The Boy Who Lived. I would also like to think that we won't cause anyone
else to lose money by printing what amounts to a microscopic corner of the print
world on the net.
But still: some of the material presented on this web doesn't belong to me. Even
a lunatic HP fan can see that.
If you feel you cannot live with HP fans scouring your work on this site, or
feel your rights have been violated, please contact me. Besides removing the
material (though we will still archive the actual JKR quotes), I will send you
my sincerest apologies and best wishes for the future.
Please send any comments, quotes we've missed, or questions to our staff at